Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Hair Is Coming Back!

I have to apologize to all my blog followers for not updating you on what is going on with me. I guess you could say that no news is good news. Here's the scoop:

· I am in my second cycle of Xeloda (2 weeks on, 1 week off) which is the oral chemo medication for treating metastatic breast cancer. It has the added bonus of treating colon cancer (which I do NOT have) so I get two cancer treatments for the price of one. Yay me. But wait – there’s more! Other side effects include: gas, bloating, sensitive, dry, cracked hands and feet, some nausea, fatigue, achy muscles and vivid dreams. I am not complaining – it is WAY better than the IV chemo treatments, but still it is a constant reminder that I am not cancer-free.

· My hair is coming back! I am SO excited. Every day my scalp is filling out, and I cannot wait to go wig-less and hat-less. I don’t care if grows in as a giant, grey afro – it will cover my head and not itch or fall out. That’s progress! I included a photo so you can see what I mean.

· I get another PET/CT scan in January to check my progress. Then I will find out if the tumors are still shrinking and nothing new has cropped up. My oncologist is optimistic and so am I.

· I still have my mediport in my chest, and every three weeks I get an injection of Herceptin. This does not have significant side effects, so I don’t mind a 30 minute visit to the oncologist. Plus it gives me and my mom a chance to gab about life. I am still amazed by her continued support throughout my adventure.

· I have discontinued the amazing meal service that Teri Flach organized for me and my family. With my energy returning and the nausea disappearing, I wanted life at home to return to normal. I am forever grateful for all the families who brought us the delicious meals and certificates – you made the last several months bearable and helped my healing process. Of course you spoiled my kids – who were not used to the meal variety and tasty treats. It was wonderful!

· All of the prayers, cards, movies and letters have been a blessing. I still get the occasional ‘mystery card’ from someone who cheers me up with such kind words. Thank you for reaching out and making this challenging time easier on me.

That’s the all the news that’s fit to blog. I am looking forward to better health during the holidays with Chris and my family. I will try to write more frequently so you know I am alive and well. I am ALIVE and WELL. It feels great to be over the worst of this!