Thursday, September 3, 2009

Group Therapy is Cool

On Wednesday night, I attended my first group therapy session through the Life with Cancer Center - which is part of INOVA's treatment centers. My group included four other women with metastatic breast cancer and a counselor from the program. It was very interesting to hear their cancer stories. All of the women were in different stages of treatment, some for several years. Of the four, two of them had breast cancer that spread to the liver, and three of them had it spread to their bones. Comparatively, I was in the earliest stages of treatment, and the youngest in the group.

It was a rewarding experience for me. I learned about many treatment plans that include oral chemotherapy meds, found out about a wig store in Alexandria that has cancer products, and discussed how other people react when we tell them about our cancer. The counselor suggested that my kids attend group therapy that Life with Cancer offers, which seems like a good idea. I will definitely go to the group session next month, and best of all – its free!

Today I had my Herceptin treatment. One of the women in the group heard that Herceptin is extremely effective with my type of receptor cells. She said she wished her cancer cells were HER-2 positive so she could be treated with Herceptin!

I am doing pretty well on the weeks where I do not receive the ‘big chemo.’ The most annoying side effect is that I still get tired when I do physical activity for very long. I almost feel guilty with all of the wonderful meals I am receiving from families. My kids said to me tonight as they gobbled down some delicious salmon and potatoes, “We could get used to this!” I did not say out loud to them, but I thought, “They must like other people’s meals because even before cancer, their mom never cooked!” I just told them to thank the families and be grateful that we have so many people who care about us.

My next big chemo is a week from today, and needless to say, I am not looking forward to the aftermath. At least I know what to expect. And at least I continue to receive prayers and help from family and friends. And at least I am not alone. And at least I have a future to look towards. And at least my hair will grow back one day. And at least I have hope that this is all going to be ok. Well, on most days, I do. At least.


  1. Group therapy is so helpful ... I'm so glad you found the experience rewarding.

  2. You look Maaarvelous...therapy is always good...we are sending love and good thoughts your way :)
