Friday, October 2, 2009

Yesterday - LAST CHEMO!

Yesterday I went to the oncologist for my “big” chemo treatment. This is the 3.5 hour dose that usually leaves me sick and run down for about 5-6 days. Of course I was dreading it, but going into it I knew these poisons were working, so I think my outlook the next few days will be better.

I also met with my doctor to discuss my treatment plan. More good news! Yesterday was my last chemo treatment! She thinks the last scan results were so positive, she recommended a scaled down version of meds for the next year or so. Here it is:
Herceptin (by IV) – every three weeks, instead of every week. This drug has been relatively easy for me to take, with very few side effects.

Xeloda (orally) – take every day for two weeks, then take a week off. This drug combined with Herceptin, targets cancer cells by inhibiting the ability of the cell to produce or repair DNA and making the cell unable to reproduce – which shrinks the tumors. Of course there are potential side effects (like I would get off easy, right??). These can be fatigue, diarrhea, and itchy, red, scaled hands and feet to name a few. Weird, huh. I will try and not anticipate the worst!

Tests and scans – periodically I will get PET/CT scans to check the progress of the tumors, and Echocardiograms to check my heart muscle. Sometimes Herceptin can affect the heart. The next PET scan will be in January.

Other interesting news from my visit yesterday… I scored a new wig and a new baseball hat- hair combo. There is a box of free hats and accessories at my doctors office for anyone to use – and I certainly took advantage! I think the wigs look – well- as good as wigs can. It is nice to have options.

So – with this being my last chemo – I can expect to start growing hair in the next few months. Maybe I’ll have some hair on my head by Christmas! Yay! I know I should not sound so shallow. However, it is all about ‘normalcy’ for me. And the best news of all is knowing I won’t ‘feel’ as terrible as I do after chemo, and I can start to get my life back, get more energy back and start looking forward to a cancer-controlled future.

An extra-special cancer-fan shout out goes to my mom, who continues to come with me on my treatments and help me remember all the questions I should ask the doctor. I could not get through this this without her. I love you mom!!!


  1. A.W.E.S.O.M.E.

    Been thinking about you this week :)


  2. Anne,

    That is FABULOUS! Congratulations!


  3. Annie: My good friend just finished her last chemo treatment about 6 months ago. And the coolest things has happened with her hair: it's grown in very very WHITE on the ends and dark at the roots. Very punk and spikey and cool.

    Been thinking of you.

