Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I am sick of feeling sick

It's been five days since I had my last 'big' chemo and I am STILL feeling lousy. Granted, I have felt gradually a tiny bit better every day since Friday, but still, I am tired, nauseous, shaky, etc. I am a terrible patient because I can't stand slowing down. It is awful. I want this to be over.

Sorry friends. I can't be positive today.


  1. Annie-wish I could be there with you.

  2. Annie, it's good to share the bad and the good days.

    Try not to rush the recovery ... it is just more frustrating.

  3. If you need anything please let us know.....we love ya!!!!

  4. It's OK not to be positive all the time. Some days just plain suck.
