Thursday, August 13, 2009

Big Dose Yesterday

I had the triple threat injected yesterday - carboplatin, taxotere and herceptin - oh my! I am feeling a bit run down and groggy, but no nausea. I thought a positive side effect of this process would be that I would lose some weight. So far, that is not the case, darn it.

During my treatment yesterday, I had a visitor pop in, Chrissy (Cakourous) Rash, who is a family friend back in grade school. Chrissy works in the same building as my oncologist. She was diagnosed with breast cancer years ago, and went through chemo, surgery, hair loss, etc. It was great to hear her advice, positive outlook, suggestion for group therapy and the fact that she is a thriving survivor. Thanks so much for the visit - you gave me hope!

My close-cropped hair is shedding steadily now. Our dog, Lance and I have a contest - who can leave the most hair on the couch. I think I am winning. My prediction - total baldness in less than a week.

Kids and I are almost done packing for the beach. Saturday will not be here soon enough. My family is helping me drive my car and distribute the packing and the kids in the car caravan. At peak time, we'll have 17 people in our beach front, South Nags Head house, Chris and his two kids in another house, and a visit from Matt and Dana Miller later in the week. We all can't wait!

Cancer fan shout outs go to those who fed my family recently - Teri Flach and my sister Jenny each both brought over delicious pasta meals, salads, bread, etc. last week. Talk about a treat! It is no wonder I am not losing weight! I love all the cards --the funny, senitmental, positive messages really keep me 'up'. I could not ask for a better support group!

1 comment:

  1. Chrissy is an awesome friend...have a blast at the beach! We love you! :)
