Monday, August 3, 2009

No News is Good News

For the blog-record, I'm in a feeling-OK holding pattern. I am eating well, sleeping so-so, and my energy is below normal but not ‘I can’t get out of bed’ lethargic. I still have all my hair (even though Jake thinks I am losing it because he saw a strand of my hair on a pillow. I typically lose dozens, if not hundreds of strands a day!). I am working full-time now, and my next dose of chemo is this Thursday, and it is a 30 minute one like last week.

While starting a blog is a good way to inform people about my progress, sometimes I find all this public 'sharing' a bit narcissistic. So read on if you care, but please don’t feel obligated. There will be no blog tests to see if you are keeping up. I will not write an article unless I have some news to report (thus the title of this post).

I am continually touched by all the cards, blog comments and the fact that people are reaching out to me with such warm wishes and prayers. Cancer fan, Stella – I enjoyed your card about how Gemini’s are fighters who love life. I totally agree!

1 comment:

  1. Thought of you today as we drove past McDonald Street. "The women of MacDonald Street are playing.... ;- )
