Thursday, July 23, 2009

Getting the juice!

I am sitting in my doctor's office (and have been since 9am) getting IV's of many things:3 chemo meds, benadryl, and anti-nausea stuff. So far so good. I have a lounge chair, private room with cable TV and my mom and dad to keep me company. I should be done in an hour.It's kind of boring, actually.

I'll go home after this and rest. I feel fine now and I even had a sandwich for lunch.

More later!


  1. Hi! You're sitting in a gerri-chair! That's what I used while recuperating from my broken leg/surgery at my mom's house. She has one that she uses for my grandma. They are very comfie. Take Care!

  2. Looking good, Waldo. Missed you at work today. We had a bitchin' nF closing. Paul
