Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sunday Night -Kids are the Best!

After Friday's relatively decent day, Saturday took a downhill turn for me. I was able to get up and get to the swimming divisionals, but it was SO hot, I lasted about 2 hours. I did get to see Jake and Erin swim before going home and passing out on my couch. I was wiped out. The day seemed to get worse for me - with aching bones, a sore back, and a slight fever of 100. It really got me down to be so out of commission. Still - upon the advice of a co-worker (thanks, Paul) I had to make cancer my beeyatch and was able to do my first self-injection of Neupagen before I went to bed. I slept some, breaking out in night sweats again, and woke up feeling a little better.

I was not able to get to Jake's diving divisionals this morning, and felt really bad about it. My parents took him to the dive meet and he ended up coming in 6th place - which is really awesome. As the morning went on, I felt good enough to take the kids to church, and it was important for me to feel normal, and get back in the real world.

Tonight was the big swim team end of season party and I KNEW I had to make an appearance. As tough as it was to get psyched to go, I made it - and it turned out I had a really, really good time. I stayed from 4 until 7:30, enjoying the games, the potluck, the awards and the photos. Jake, Erin and Grace made me so proud. The highlight of the night was seeing Grace receive the coveted 'coaches award'. There is only one of these awarded, and she earned it for her Woodley Warrior spirit, her positive attitude and her cheering the team - even in the meets where she did not swim. Go Gracie! Anyway - I wish I could have stayed longer for the DJ and dancing, but once again, I was wiped out so had to head home.

Tomorrow I go to Fairfax Hospital to get my single lumen mediport placed in my chest. It's about a 2-hour ordeal where they knock me out and install a tube in my chest for future chemo injections. The port will most likely be in place for a year. One more foreign object in my body - awesome!!!

Thanks for your continued calls and well wishes. I have been an emotional roller-coaster lately, so if you talk to me and I start to cry for no apparent reason, don’t be surprised – I’m a mess. UGH.


  1. You're not a are AWESOME!!

  2. So glad you got to see the kids swim and get their awards. Go Woodley!
    Erin, Grace, and Jake are great and I am so happy for them. They have a great mom to love and support them no matter what!

  3. Glad to hear you made it to the swim team party to see the awards (and Congrats, Grace!). Your children will keep you going. Getting the mediport is the best thing! Mine was in for ten years (used for 6 months of chemo), but I have lousy thin veins so blood work was a pain (pardon the pun!)

    Hang in there!

  4. The Moms made a pretty pathetic showing on the dance floor without you, Annie... You'll be back next year :)! Janet

  5. Congratulations Grace! Your kids are so great because their mom rocks :) Hang in there Annie, we love you :)
